As we continue to wait for LIVE events to return to most parts of the United States, we all can agree the foreseeable future of events will be a combination of VIRTUAL and LIVE content as well as remote and in-person attendees — HYBRID.
Clear communication to the potential audience for HYBRID events will be a key component to a successful marketing plan. So, what are some strategies to market HYBRID events to attract both remote and in-person attendees? A recent article in EVENT MB states “in-person attendance and remote participation come with their own distinct advantages, and the trick is to frame your marketing in terms of what is best about each—not in terms of why one is better than the other. At the same time, planners need to think about the ways that these two spheres can overlap to create unique synergies.”
To better understand how to interpret what “synergies” means, and how it relates to the world of participating in a HYBRID event, read the definition from Oxford languages.
"The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects."
-Synergies, Oxford languages
HYBRID event planners should aim for both the remote and in-person attendees to have an independent experience as well as an opportunity to intersect with the other experience and, in turn, create a combined experience. Marketing to achieve a combined experience is no easy task.
The strategies laid out by EVENT MB address 6 tactics to reach both audiences.
Host a teaser event to provide an opportunity to gain platform familiarity.
Consider offering audio-only content.
Promote a smaller event as exclusive rather than limited.
Get creative with the event destination to attract in-person attendees.
Engage the in-person audience to create collaborative event content participation.
Build an online community through Social Media which encourages both groups to interact.
Curtin, in conjunction with our valued clients, is prepared to set the stage for the LIVE Expo Hall for HYBRID events. We will strategize with each client to create a safe interactive LIVE expo experience for in-person attendees and exhibitors that will also translate for remote attendees.
Contact Curtin at (415) 883-7818 or and one of our experienced team members will assist you with your LIVE expo needs.
Resources: EVENT MB and Oxford languages