At Curtin, we want exhibitors to have all the necessary information to plan a successful exhibit. We welcome your questions and strive to find the best solution for your exhibit needs. Find your answers below by clicking on the various Frequently Asked Questions icons.
If you have additional questions, please contact Curtin at (415) 883-7818 or
Furniture and Accessories
What furnishings are provided with my booth space?
In most cases, the booth space is piped & draped with 8’ high draped backwall and 3’ high draped sides, and includes a single line identification sign. Refer to your show's Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit to determine if a furniture booth package is included with your booth space. Rental furnishings (such as tables, chairs, carpeting, etc.) may be ordered by completing the forms in your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit.
Is my booth space carpeted or do I need to rent carpet?
Carpet is included if it is listed as part of your booth package, or if the exhibit hall is carpeted. Carpet is available to rent in a variety of colors and sizes. Refer to your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit for the content of your booth package, and a carpet pricing guide.
I know the association is providing exhibitors with a booth package that includes (1) 6’ draped table, (2) chairs, and (1) wastebasket. Can I exchange these items for something else?
There are no exchanges or substitutions permitted with a booth package. If you need an item that is not included in your booth package, you may order the items directly from Curtin Convention at the published prices.
I know the identification sign is provided with my booth. Can I submit additional information to be included on my sign?
The identification sign is a simple 7” x 44” sign identifying your booth with company name and booth number. Please be sure to provide your show manager with the desired identifying text for this sign. If you need additional customized signs, you may order them by completing the Sign Order Form in the Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit.
I might need a few technical items such as electrical outlets, a computer, etc. What rental items are available?
We offer complete electrical services, telecommunication services, plant/floral service, audio/visual, and computer rental. Refer to your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit for the details of each service and the order forms for each service.
What do I need to know about ordering plants or flowers for my booth?
For your convenience, we have provided you with a suggested Plant and Floral supplier. To order from this supplier, refer to your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit. The fee associated with this order includes delivery. If you are ordering plants or flowers from a supplier other than the recommended supplier, be aware there will most likely be a delivery charge, as well as a handling charge. If you have ordered green potted plants, they are for rental use only and will be picked up by the supplier at the end of the event. Floral arrangements are yours to keep after the event.
Freight Handling
What is the difference between freight handling and shipping?
Freight handling is the movement of your materials (boxes, pallets, containers, envelopes, etc.) from Curtin’s advance warehouse, your vehicle, the show site loading dock, or the hotel lobby to your booth. This service includes the storage of empty containers during show hours, returning them to your booth space at the end of the show, and moving your packed materials from your booth back to the loading area for outbound shipment. Shipping is the actual sending of your materials to Curtin’s advance warehouse or to the show site and then back to your office or desired outbound or return location.
Do I pay my own shipping fee plus a separate fee for freight handling?
Yes. Once you select your inbound shipping carrier, you are responsible for the fee to ship your exhibit materials to the Curtin advance warehouse or to the show site and also for the return shipping fee to your desired outbound or return location. There is a fee for freight handling that is calculated by weight and it is rounded up to the next hundred pounds. There is a 200-pound minimum freight handling fee per shipment, so consolidate your shipments for cost effectiveness. The freight handling fee covers the services described above to your booth, as well as loading your materials onto an outbound carrier at the close of the show. See your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit for a price scale and further freight handling details.
I’m not sure if I should send my exhibit materials to the Curtin advance warehouse or directly to the show site. Can you provide me with guidance?
If you have time to send your shipment to the advance warehouse, we recommend this option. This provides you with the security of knowing your materials will be waiting in your booth when you arrive at the show. In addition, the advance warehouse offers you the opportunity to store your shipment for up to 30 days before the event. Be advised all shipments must arrive to the advance warehouse at least three days before the show installation date. If you are not able to send your materials early, you may send them directly to the show site to arrive on the day of show installation, but only during setup hours and only to Curtin Convention's attention. It can be tricky to schedule exact delivery times with your shipping carrier, so be aware of timing restrictions. If you are bringing your materials in your personal vehicle, be sure to allow for extra time, as there may be a wait time at the loading dock.
Is it okay for me to carry my own exhibit materials into the show?
If one person from your company is able to hand carry the total display materials for your booth in one trip without the use of a hand truck or dolly, then you may do so. If you require a hand truck, a dolly, multiple trips, and/or multiple people for this, you are required to pay freight handling fees. See your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit for union regulations.
If my materials are not in my booth when I arrive, what is the fastest way to locate them?
First, find your shipping form to verify where the materials were sent to the advance warehouse or directly to show site. If you do not have your shipping form, contact your office to determine the destination of your shipment.
For Freight Sent to the Advance Warehouse: Go directly to the Curtin Service Desk with your paperwork or shipping information and we will assist you with locating your shipment.
For Freight Sent to the Show Site: Go directly to the Curtin Service Desk and the facility's representative will be contacted. You will be informed if your materials have been delivered to and accepted by the facility. If the shipment has not yet arrived, you will need to call your carrier directly to track your shipment.
Labor and Cleaning
Do I need to pay for labor to set up my booth or can I do it myself?
Please be advised there is union jurisdiction covering the setup and dismantling of exhibits, including signs and laying carpet. This does not apply to the unpacking and placement of your merchandise. You may set up your exhibit display if one person from your company can do so in less than one half-hour without the use of tools. If you are unable to do so within these guidelines, you will be required to contract labor service. Review the Union Regulations section of the Terms and Conditions page for a more detailed explanation.
Is cleaning of my booth space included in the price?
You may order daily vacuuming, nightly emptying of wastebaskets, and cleaning and dusting of your booth display background and furnishings, if you desire. Refer to your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit for pricing.
Orders and Payments
Does Curtin offer discounts for placing orders early?
Yes. Your Curtin Exhibitor Service Kit lists the deadline for advance orders. Qualify for a substantial savings by placing your order by the advance order deadline.
My order forms are complete, but I’m still unsure about the amount of freight we will have. Should I wait to send in my order until I have my freight information?
To take advantage of the advance pricing, send your order in with a notation indicating freight handling is still to be determined. If you find your freight information prior to the show, send in your freight handling forms immediately. If you are unsure of the weight of your freight, indicate the minimum of 200 pounds and we will revise the weight when we receive your freight.
What methods of payment may I use and when are payments due?
We accept credit cards including Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, and checks prior to the event. At show site, checks, credit cards, and cash are accepted. All payments are due at the time you place your order. To qualify for the advance order prices, you must provide complete payment by the advance price deadline. If you are mailing a check, please indicate this on your order forms and also plan for your check to arrive by the advance price deadline. If we do not have payment prior to the move-in, you will be required to provide a valid credit card, cash, or check at show site. If payment is not received at this time, we will not move-in your materials.
I need to make a revision to my order. Can I call you with my change?
To maintain accuracy with your order, we need to receive your revised order by fax or mail.
Exhibit Security
What kind of security is provided at the show site and who pays for the security?
Show management provides security for the exhibit hall. Please contact your show manager regarding security.
Who is responsible for the security of my booth and its content?
You are responsible for safeguarding the contents of your actual booth. We recommend you consult your insurance agent and add a rider to your policy for your booth materials. You should also take a few simple security measures, such as keeping your personal belongings or business tools with you at all times, not leaving your booth unattended during the move in and move out times, and covering your display with a cloth at the end of each day.